From Dev Blog

Along the Edge — Trailer

Daphné is at a dead-end. She’s unsatisfied by her personal and professional life, so, when she inherits an old family house in a remote part of the country, she jumps at the opportunity to start anew. Does she decide to…

Production Update

(Version française plus bas) Long time no news! We’re still up to the neck in the production process, Nico and I, but we’re making good progress.

Keeping you posted

We’re currently in the maelstrom of producing the game, which means long hours of writing for me, and an average of three new images a day for Nico, which explain why we had very little time to spare to keep…

Les Malterre

(version française plus bas). When Daphné arrives at the village, she discovers that the area is tainted by the long shadow of the Malterre family.

The “Diagonal of the Void”

(version française plus bas) “La diagonale du vide” (the diagonal of the void). That’s how geographers call the space that goes from the south-west to the north-east of France (from Biarritz to Grenoble). It’s mostly composed of quite sparsely populated rural…


Hello, I am Nico, the artist of Along the Edge. Artworks in this game are divided in two categories: story illustrations and dialog assets. Story illustrations are full screen images that work hand-in-hand with Geoffroy’s words to tell the story. Some of…